My mind couldn't
relinquish the imagined sound of an old car engine trying
desperately to turn over in the deep of winter.
Whir, whir, whir. The needed spark was ever-elusive as she glanced at the screen, noted the text, and exclaimed, "What the hell is
metacognition?" I laughed.
There was no fault to be had. It was a foreign word, one
rarefied in conversation and barley fodder for old vocabulary tests. I suppose it was simply the irony of the statement that had sent my mind reeling.
Metacognition, thinking about thinking, how altogether absent it was in her reaction.
That moment, a moment primed to forcefully rend self-awareness from the smartest person in the room and cast the remaining human shell into folly befitting a playground; such a moment birthed this blog.
Labels: being, cognition, metacognition, reason, thinking